Sunday, January 29, 2006

I know ripping off of Boing Boing is an easy way out for bloggers who pretend to have something original to offer, but take a look at this! And this!


Carol said...

Mac, I don't understand what you are saying. I'm getting those two links as being permalinks from the domain, which would be ok . Is there something I'm missing?

There is that repellant new phenomenon where content is stolen by blog-like entities which are ways of having robots glomming onto ad revenue. "Splogs," is it? But I don't see how this is that.

Mac said...

No, no, I'm not splogging -- or anything close. I just thought it was kind of a cop-out on my part to link to BB twice in one post.

jason said...

You know Mac, now that you mention it, I've been meaning to tell you this for quite some time now: You really need to come up with some original ideas.

Chris said...

OMG, are these ADS?