Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Knockout Mars rover image of the day.

(Found at The Meridiani Journal.)


W.M. Bear said...

That is a stunning shot. The black sand(?) in the foreground looks like waves of a dark sea breaking on the rusted shore.

wearethemetrons said...

hey...on the top of the hill...isn't that a broken camshaft from a '66 Chevy? I'll be damned! I bet NASA saw it too and deliberatly drove away from it! Damn those mind controlled scientist simulations!

W.M. Bear said...

Hey, hey, wearethemetrons, easy. Neither gerald nor I said anything that could be remotely construed as, shall we say, an astroarcheological assertion re this pic.

wearethemetrons said...

this pic, the other pics- whats the diff? they're all just rocks.

W.M. Bear said...

There are rocks and there are Mars rocks. Whether or not you're seeing what we're seeing in some of these objects (evidently not), I think its undeniable that they do not look like Earth rocks. If a select few are not, in fact, what they appear to be, that is, slagged (partially melted) machine parts, then some natural process not apparetnly operative on Earth has sculpted them into some pretty suggestive and regular shapes. But I would never try and ARGUE anyone into seeing what gerald and I (and a few others) are seeing in some of the Rover pix. One either sees the shapes for what they might conceivably be or one doesn't. As I say, evidently, you don't and so, for you, they remain "just rocks."

wearethemetrons said...

yes im sure some of them are partially melted machine parts- thats it exactly. what r u going to wear to your nobel acceptance speech?

W.M. Bear said...

I fail to see the point of your sarcasm. If you don't see the possibilities fine. So sit on it.

wearethemetrons said...

all opinions expressed in public forums on the internet are subject to public scrutiny and comment. In fact, mr loony tunes mars relay station has put up this pic and blown up some part of it into something that just looks like a blurry blown up pic of some rocks and sand. you commented over there that some-blurry-thing in the pic looked organic. when i looked up at the clouds today i saw a pirate ship. ain't it fun?