Friday, December 30, 2005

I'm apartment-shopping today. We've got our eyes on a nice place in a no-kidding historical landmark with a solarium that looks over a picturesque fountain court. I think it's ours if we want it, but we're looking at another with hardwood floors to see if that wins us over.

Of course, the management might become suddenly anal-retentive and deny us, but I'm determined to get out of my current place. (I love the view, but five years is a long time. Especially when no one fixes your walls.)


W.M. Bear said...

Sorry, but I can't help seeing a resemblance between the flagstones in the upper picture and certain Rover pix of, shall we say, "Martian bedrock"? One reason I'm such a big fan of Gerald's Mars Relay Station is just that he posts this kind of stuff on a day-to-day basis. I won't make any remarks on my opinion of its origins here, except to note, as above that the resemblance is often striking to Earthly ruins (and even, as with Mac's flagstones, earthly non-ruins). If you want a reference, I am even thinking of popular media Rover pix like the one included in the following story:

NASA's Spirit and Opportunity still probing Mars after two years

Especially, this fourth one from the accompanying slide show:

slide #4.

And congratulations, Mac, on your relationship with "Elizabeth" having reached the apt. hunting stage. Way to go! ;-)

Gerald T said...

Um, Mac your blog is getting really weird man, like one second we are reading about alien autopsies, and the next second its all about the new curtains and lace doilies, it’s just that the transitions are kind of jarring, like all surreal and dreamlike dude.

Is this like some kind of strange experiment in consciousness that you are running on us?
Kind of like when they take a normal every day person and put him in a bizarre situation to see how he reacts, only in this case it is in reverse?

Marti said...

LOL to ^

Making a list to thank everyone who commented on my blog in 2005 - I am including you just ‘cause I like you - LOL! (Of couse if you'd ever LIKE to post, I'd be honored)

List to post later today. Best wishes for 2006!

Mac said...


Don't worry -- there's no shortage of strangeness!


I'm a terrible commenter, so don't take it personally.

It's great to have you as a reader, by the way. Keep watching this space.

Happy 2006 and beyond...

Mac said...


Those flagstones do look pretty Martian, now that you mention it.

W.M. Bear said...

Mac -- I was kind of thinking the other way around. A lot of the so-called "Martian bedrock" looks like (and who knows, maybe IS) flagstones.