Saturday, October 21, 2006

Oy . . . the latest idiocy from Richard Hoagland is enough to make any sensible person cringe.


Dustin said...

Are you insinuating that you don't think C3PO or Data are stuck on the moon? :-P

Paul Kimball said...

Steve said...

It's a petrified moon-man, as in "Lost on the Moon" (1911).

This explains the NASA coverup - they don't want us to know about those prescious Moon Diamonds!

Mac said...

RCH is *gone*, man. Is someone paying him for this? Seriously. Did he lose a bet? Sweet Jesus.

jezzie said...

Carol said...

I guess that the fact that the green and blue tentacles on Data's head went away in other pictures didn't deter him.

Did a search at Feral House
(as many others seem to be doing, according to their record of recent searches), but there is no mention of the book being a new release, an upcoming release, or indeed of Hoagland coming up on the Feral House site at all yet.

There's a "we" voice, but Hoagland referred to in the third person. Will the book be all in Bara's voice, or is he going to be mentioned in the third person when he comes up too, in an awkward attempt to justify the shifting point of view?

Cernan's "odd behavior" at a NASA ceremony? "The knowledge that those who would serve us were once our masters"? Impressive cliffhangers, ya gotta admit.

W.M. Bear said...

Mac -- When will he ever learn? HOWEVER (note the "big however") Hoagland's "idiocy" seems to me to lie in the last part where he includes photos of Data and C3PO's heads for comparison purposes (to say nothing of Klaatu & friend). These pix really do ruin the main thrust of the excerpt (if indeed it IS an excerpt -- thanks Carol, I'll take your word for it!) Which is that there were some fairly convincing artifact-like items in the astronauts' pix plus that skull-like thing. I know, I know, they COULD be rocks and one of Hoagland's "problems" (in general) seems to be his inability to consider seriously ALL possible explanations including the official one (even if only to dismiss them). As someone who admittedly got totally addicted to the "spotting artifacts" game on geraldt's Mars Relay Station blog (now hibernating along with Spirit), I've got to admit that I was impressed by Hoagland's "find." Not that I necessarily buy into his explanation but those ARE interesting lunar pix.

stankan said...

I don't understand why we would not expect to find Data's head on a website that is called the "The Enterprise Mission." Its completely logical (as they say).


Dustin said...

wm bear, I admit, that I enjoy looking for "artifacts" on the moon and Mars as well, but why oh why C3PO and Data? It makes me wonder what the agenda really is there...

Oh well, it made me laugh, at least.

Mike Bara said...

Nice to have stumbled accross your dismal little Blog, Mac. Always nice to know what the pseudo-intellectual, half-assed faggot Hoagland wannabes are thinking. Yeah, I'm sure it's just a rock, with a bright red stripe accross it. Lots of moon rocks have red paint on them.

And yes children, you will get to read it in September. Gee, I wonder if it will get a good review from Mac Tonnies? I'm so hoping I can get an endorsement from that intellectual giant.

Now go back to playing in your sandbox. The adults have work to do.

Paul Kimball said...


Not to be rude, but...

Who the fuck is Mike Bara?


Mac said...

He's Richard Hoagland's colleague. And soon-to-be co-author, apparently. He's been bemoaning my Web presence for years. You get used to it.

Paul Kimball said...


Oh, so he believes that they've found Data's head, or C3P0's, on the Moon as well.

I guess all is fair in Hoagie-ville in terms of whatever you have to do to fleece people out of their hard-earned cash.

Like I said elsewhere, there's no difference between Steven Greer and RCH.

