Friday, October 20, 2006

Here I am "wising up the marks" in Halifax. Feel free to Photoshop your own word-balloon.

And here's the whole panel doing a Q&A.; Nick Redfern looks quite forlorn. (Stalking chupacabras will do that.)

Both pictures by Jezzie, whose two-part post-symposium wrap-up can be found here and here.


Paul Kimball said...

The truth is out - the "Invisible Man" also spoke at the NFS, and wound up sitting between Mac and Nick on the Q & A panel!

Either that, or Nick is just anti-social! :-)


Mac said...

He was probably there to see Nick.

Paul Kimball said...

What's really freaky is that, except for my Red Sox cap, you and I are pretty much dressed the same.

Great minds think alike... cheap bastards seldom differ!