Thursday, August 03, 2006

Congressman Vows to Fight Global Warming Bill

House Majority Whip Roy Blunt (R-Mo) has said that he will make sure that the 110th Congress will NOT address the climate problem.


He offered as his reason that "the information is not adequate," despite the fact that, as long ago as 2001, over a thousand climate experts published a report stating that "There is new and stronger evidence that most of the warming observed over the last 50 years is attributable to human activities."

No, wait . . . Now I really am gasping becase the Amazon rainforest is on fire and there's no fucking air.

[The bill] sets greenhouse gas emissions targets that will keep temperatures below the danger point. The level of emissions is frozen in 2010 and then gradually reduced each year through 2050.

2050? OK, I feel better; we probably don't have that long anyway.


Hottest year on record; more to come

Northern California, withering under last week's punishing heat, wasn't the only hot spot in the world this year -- thermometers have spiked throughout much of the United States, Canada and Europe, and scientists are predicting more intense, longer and more frequent heat waves in the future.

While leading climate scientists have been reluctant to link regional heat waves with rising temperatures in the world's atmosphere and oceans, they say the recent weather patterns are consistent with computer projections for global warming.

Global warming beer made from melting ice-caps

A Danish brewery in Greenland is brewing beer using water from the melting Arctic ice-cap. As AccordionGuy sez, "when life gives you SARS, make sarsaparilla," or in this case, "When life gives you catastrophic global warming, get drunk."


Jose said...

Can't trust those scientists they're all part of a secular humanist conspiracy to control the world, bring about world government under the antichrist, yada yada yada.

One thing that is interesting and worth noting is that the people funding the contrarian "science" (actualy just press releases written by people with PHDs) have laundered their funding through a byzantine maze of think tanks and lobby groups. Unlike Big Tobacco in the 70s which was content to directly publish garbage science these people seem to be going to great lengths to shield themselves against future litigation.

That more than anything speaks volumes about how confident the Global Warming contrarians are in the ultimate outcome of the debate they are manufacturing.

W.M. Bear said...

2050? OK, I feel better; we probably don't have that long anyway.

Yeah, WWIII is heating up in the Middle East. By 2050, we'll all be dead or dying from radiation sickness, all 6+ BILLION of us!

Mac said...


In a way, you have to hand it to Crichton. He's mining a vein every bit as rich as the "End Times" shit dished out by LaHaye and Co.

W.M. Bear said...

A Danish brewery in Greenland is brewing beer using water from the melting Arctic ice-cap.

They can call it Bush Barbarian Beer.