Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Today's eschatological fix:

World will end on 9-12-2006

According to Mr. Hawkins and his interpretation of Biblical prophesy, nuclear war will erupt on September 12, 2006, and one third of the humans on the planet will perish.


jezzie said...

Aww hell. So much for making it to Denver to visit my Mama, much less make it to Halifax. If this is on the up and up, I want my money back! :o)

W.M. Bear said...

No. of Empty Cars = 144K/6GIG x Total No. of Cars = 0.24% x Total Cars. (I have no idea how many cars total there are in the world but I'm guessing well over 100,000,000, which is roughly 24,000 empty ones after the Rapture. So out of every 1000 cars on my commute, I'll have to watch out for 2-3 driverless ones -- which probably won't be much more dangerous than some of the ones WITH drivers that I have to contend with every day!

eyemage said...

not exactly what i was expecting for a birthday present...

wonder how you wrap the apocalypse?

bows or ribbons?

Mac said...

wonder how you wrap the apocalypse?

bows or ribbons?

Depleted uranium!

The Odd Emperor said...

So anyone left behind during the rapture can get a better car? Works for me!

W.M. Bear said...

So anyone left behind during the rapture can get a better car? Works for me!

Except most of them will probably be Hummers.