Sunday, March 19, 2006

Nuclear Bunker Buster Bombs against Iran: This Way Lies Madness

Firing der Bush's bunker busters in Iran, or anywhere else for that matter, will vaporize hundreds of thousands of tons of earth, water and rock and send this radioactive soup downwind to kill and sicken whole populations. Those immediately downwind will die quickly, in hours or days. Those further downwind will take longer. The global incidences of cancers and disease will again rise markedly. The land downwind will remain contaminated and unusable for generations.


Jose said...

There are elements of the right who are talking about imminent mushroom clouds in Iran with barely concealed relish. However I like to think that this is largely fantasy. If Bush really did hit the button there would be a serious political backlash and some of those Fox News types might even have a change of heart themselves.

I don't think he'll do it. The neocon doctrine has been an absolute failure and I think the republican party realizes that. They won't admit as much because they don't like admitting to error or weakness but there are signs that they are abandonning the Bush doctrine.

Extracting themselves from the Iraq tar baby however is a different story.

W.M. Bear said...

the Iraq tar baby

Perfect analogy! And W is Brer Babbitt!