Monday, March 13, 2006

Finally -- Google Mars! (Try typing in "face.")


Ken said...

Well, so far as I'm concerned, this is seriously trick, and I am grateful to Google for it. THEY may be trying to "Conquer The World", but even so, this is pretty nice, IMO. Very useful for the likes of me, and hopefully this will kindle some wider interest in Mars.

BTW: Mac, Yahoo has lost my ID for the Cydonia Group, so for the moment, I'll say it here: this 1958 comic book face on Mars stuff is nuts! Such crap is one reason the world at large considers Martian Anomaly Research to be looned out. I cannot for the life of me figure out what Hoagland is trying to do. Some guys in the 50s showed imagination in the Sci-Fi genre, and Hoagland takes this to mean that "The Powers That Be" have known of Martian civilizations for a couple of generations. It's idiotic beyond belief, and reason enough for the average person to discard the entire subject. Even though Hoagland got the ball rolling, he's gone off the deep end, IMO.

I have to admit that when I saw the discussion at the Cydonia Group I was appalled. Unless I misinterpreted, some members actually take it all seriously. Rather depressing, actually. The whole subject of Martian Anomalies seems to be dying a slow death, even though there are a dozen or two images which really are unexplainable, IMO. Hopefully, that's merely my natural pessimism talking, there.

BTW: One of the reasons I have not posted at the Cydonia Group is that I consider the format archaic, irritating and inefficient. Ever consider trying to set up your own forum at the Cydonian Imperative? I should think that, with your reputation, it would stand a decent chance of success. Of course, you might wish to filter out quite a few loons....

If you'd want help for that, I've got a fine, functional replica of a Medieval mace. :-)