Sunday, March 05, 2006

Missouri to vote on constitutional ban on transhumanism

The initiative is called "Regulation of Human-Animal Crossbreeds, Cloning, Transhumanism, and Human Engineering Is Reserved to the People." As resources on the the "mad scientists" that they want to stop they link to the IEET, the IEET's Journal on Evolution and Technology, the World Transhumanist Association, Reason magazine, Peter Singer, and Nick Bostrom's Future of Humanity Institute at Oxford.

Wow. Looks like these fuckwits really know how to Google.


W.M. Bear said...

In the ensuing discussion, I came across and interesting (though somewhat tangentially relevant) comment by kurt9:

A clue: it is not possible for global warming and peak oil to occur. Global warming is caused by fossil fuel consumption. If we run out of oil, it is impossible for global warming to occur.

As stated, this is a bit simplistic, since global warming could well occur BEFORE we run out of oil, but there is at least a "forcing" character to Peak Oil. Peak Oil will FORCE us (like it or not) to develop alternative energy sources that will curtail global warming, hopefully in time for it to be reversable. As to the aforementioned fuckwits, well, those we have always with us....

Mac said...

it is not possible for global warming and peak oil to occur.

Strange, since global warming *is* occurring.

Add the fact that we've most likely reached the tipping point: even if all oil vanished tomorrow, Earth would continue to get hotter.

TWilliam said...

If I recall correctly, proponents of so-called "global dimming" hold that the particulate pollution from our industrial society is actually slowing the rate of warming that we're seeing. Lovelock sees us as being between a rock and a hard place at this point, because now if we cut hydrocarbon use and thereby reduce pollution, warming will likely accelerate...

Marti said...

Christ on a cracker (I just read the above post LOL)

Yeah, let's just throw all that science horseshit out the window...we don't need no book-learnin' o' no kind!

(Marti crawls back into the cave to moan, coming out only to bay to the moon LOL)