Sunday, March 12, 2006

New Face on Mars

Is it a message from aliens, or the coincidental drill marks of a robust NASA rover? Bet your money on the latter.

How ironic. Now we're making our own faces on Mars.


W.M. Bear said...

The face-like appearance of this arrangement, scientists affirm, is merely a coincidence.

And if you believe that, I've got this terrific bridge across the East River to sell you. This after all those months of hearing how the Rover project lacked the time or resources to investigate up close any number of objects and formations of arguably non-geological origin. At least some of us who've been following the winding odysseys of Spirit and Opportunity never bought into this excuse.

Mac said...

If the resemblance isn't an accident, then we've just constructed our first anthropomorphic sculpture on another planet!

Calling Richard Hoagland...