Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Ghost of Elvis Appears on Office Depot Receipt

Over 200 curious onlookers have viewed the auction in its first few hours. "I've already received several emails commenting on how the images could be anyone from James Dean to Abraham Lincoln", states Jenna. "But the lips---the lips are definitely Elvis", she says.

(Via The Anomalist.)

Elvis? James Dean? Abraham Lincoln? Come now, people. The visage is obviously that of Morrissey.


W.M. Bear said...

My first thought on reading the article was: "Idea for Larcenous Scam" (light bulb flashes on over head). But then, when I went to eBay and saw the current bid ($106 and change) I thought, naw, I won't after all hold a stencil of George Bush against a mass-mailing envelope-stuffer sheet and hold it over my gas range to brown the paper a little....