Tuesday, June 27, 2006

This compelling size comparison of the Solar System's planets has been making the rounds lately. I initially avoided linking to it because I didn't exactly relish the prospect of sending Jeff Rense any traffic, but I'm caving because, unlike so many other items on Rense's site, it's actually worth contemplating.


jezzie said...

And after seeing that, you realize just how tiny and insignificant we really are.

It's rather depressing.

In the scope of the universe, we are nothing, what we accomplish means nothing, and even if we do destroy ourselves and our planet, in the end it will mean nothing.

I think I'm going to call in sick for the rest of today and go back to bed.

W.M. Bear said...

In the scope of the universe, we are nothing, what we accomplish means nothing, and even if we do destroy ourselves and our planet, in the end it will mean nothing.

Have you been reading Nietzsche? I thought the visual comparisons were pretty cool actually and started getting High-School Science Fair envy (wish I'D thought of a project like that back when!) At any rate, physical size isn't important.

"One. Thought. Fills. Immensity."

--William Blake

Mac said...

I'm with WMB. I find the size of the (known) universe invigorating and awe-inspiring as well as humbling.