Thursday, June 01, 2006

Tiny Tools

Steve Connor writes in the Independent that these people, who have been nicknamed "Hobbits" by the scientific community, were about 3 feet tall and became extinct over 10,000 years ago. Despite having small brains (the skulls that have been found can fit into the palm of a hand), they created fairly sophisticated tools.


W.M. Bear said...

Here's a thought, Mac. Might there not be some connection between these so-called "hobbits" and cryptoterrestrials? Could they be an offshoot? (One way traditional cultures may have experienced cryptos or CTs is as "the little people" -- at least in Ireland!)

Mac said...

I think there's a link, even if only peripheral. I posted some analyses of the "hobbits" and "Grays" in previous months. Interestingly enough, there's an oral tradition of the "hobbits" kidnapping children, which should sound familiar!

Mac said...

W.M. Bear said...

"Tiny tools" in more than one sense, too, to judge from the illustration!