Friday, April 01, 2005

Neogentronyx: "Our goal is not simply to build the NMX04-1A. We are striving to be a leader of innovation in new Robotic technologies. Following our current project, many more projects will commence. The purpose of the NMX04-1A is proof of concept and to make the first bold step towards full production of Mecha vehicles." (Via Chapel Perilous.)

Don't be too surprised if the next time you see a Hummer the driver is wearing one of these.

What's playing:

1.) "Blue Wonder Power Milk" (Hooverphonic)
2.) "Franz Ferdinand" (Franz Ferdinand)
3.) "Crash" (Howard Shore soundtrack)
4.) "Bloodflowers" (The Cure)
5.) "In Time: The Best of R.E.M." (bonus rarities disc)


eyemage said...

and the sf realities keep getting closer...

got to get these mecha folk some quick funding stat!

infotheorem said...

holy seisure inducing animated gif batman

Mac said...

I got this image from, appropriately enough. As I recall, there's a great soundtrack, too...

W.M. Bear said...

Comes equipped with nail gun (!!) and flame-throwers apparently, plus napalm-enhanced boxing skills.