Friday, April 08, 2005

It occurred to me that some readers not familiar with David Bowie -- which, by the way, is flatly inexcusable -- might naively (if justifiably) assume the photo below the Posthuman Blues masthead is a picture of me. It's not. Specifically, the photo shows Bowie on the set of "The Man Who Fell To Earth," a very good movie based off the even better novel by Walter Tevis.


jason said...

So I'm assuming that's not the Sharper Image massage chair you've been wanting?

JohnFen said...

Not familiar with David Bowie? Is it possible?

On the other hand, I met someone the other day who had never heard Pink Floyd.

W.M. Bear said...

The word "cojones" somehow comes to mind.

Shipwreck33 said...

You're far to ugly to be posting pics of your self anyways.