Friday, September 05, 2008

The Most Alien-Looking Place on Earth

Well worth the click!


Katie said...

Ah yes, Bettina Tizzy mentioned that on the "Not Possible in Real Life" blog earlier. Except, in this case, it *is* possible. :o)

Very cool looking!

Mac said...

I want to move there!

Justin said...

How the hell is it possible to go through 30+ years of life without any knowledge of this island. The mind boggles!

Mac said...


My supposition is that we weren't *supposed* to know about this island! Perhaps it's an ET enclave!

Justin said...

UNESCO takes the island under its wing in July, it lights up the tubes shortly thereafter, and the alpha nerds start whispering excitedly... sounds like disclosure shenanigans to me!

They're almost here!

kcotae said...

How do we know what an alien planet would look like? My guess many advanced alien species have a vista more in keeping with the Borg planet!