Friday, March 09, 2007

The Society for Planetary SETI Research has posted a stinging, informed rebuttal to the European Space Agency's (presumably deliberate) misrepresentation of the Face on Mars.

Go to SPSR's site and click on "SPSR News" (top link in left-hand side-bar) to read "The Two Faces of ESA."


W.M. Bear said...

What I took away from this excellent article is this. Both NASA and ESA when they publish versions of the Face like this, typcially announce any "distortions of scale" in technical descriptions on Web sites, etc., but somehow always fail to note this when they release the pix to the popular media. I dunno. I can't help but suspect that this is due to more than just the contempt the typical specialist HAS for the media. The problem also, of course, is that people like Seth Shostak et al. who should know better then use these media pix to bolster their arguments against artificiality.

I also find myself agreeing with the article's conclusion that, based on existing photographic (and other) data, we cannot say for certain whether or not the Face is artificial. But that means we certainly cannot rule out its artificiality either.

BTW, Mac, I've never understood why the presence of the (admittedly bogus) horn would in an of itself rule out artificiality. Maybe the ancient Martians were just a horny bunch!

Mac said...

BTW, Mac, I've never understood why the presence of the (admittedly bogus) horn would in an of itself rule out artificiality.

You're right -- it wouldn't mean the Face couldn't be artificial -- but it would deal a blow to the Artificiality Hypothesis as we know it since it would mitigate against a facial resemblance (a testable prediction).

mister ecks said...

Maybe the ancient Martians were just a horny bunch!

Perhaps Mars needs women after all! ;-)

Carol Maltby said...

Or all the SF series set in the Star Trek universe were right about all other humanoid races having distinctive furrowed foreheads.