Thursday, September 07, 2006

Livable worlds abound, simulations find

The simulations found the opposite: as they travel inward, Hot Jupiters fling rocky debris outward, where it easily clumps into Earth-like planets. Meanwhile, turbulence in clouds slows down small, icy bodies orbiting far off, so they spiral inward and dump water on the young worlds. These can eventually accumulate oceans miles deep and settle into a life-friendly "habitable zone."


W.M. Bear said...

Yeah, but isn't part of the problem that, without a "cold Jupiter" like ours to mop up a lot of incoming space rocks, any earthlike worlds that form would be subject to such heavy astroid bombardment that advanced life, at any rate, would likely be wiped out as soon as it evolved?

Pisces Iscariot said...

Advanced life is overrated anyway.