Monday, February 20, 2006

Robot goes missing

"We can't find Phil," said Steve Prilliman of Dallas-based Hanson Robotics, which created the futuristic robot with the FedEx Institute of Technology at the University of Memphis, the Automation and Robotics Research Institute at the University of Texas at Arlington and Dick's friend Paul Williams.

"We're very worried because it's been a few weeks now," said Prilliman. "We're pressing hard to find Phil."

Well, I most certainly don't have him. Why are you looking at me like that? I said I don't have him!


JohnFen said...

I suspect the RealDoll Liberation Front.

W.M. Bear said...

I also love the photo accompanying the article showing the PKDroid slouched comfortably on a couch evidently chatting merrily away with the back portion of his mechano-head exposed for all to see the mechanism. Maybe the Phil replicant forgot to take its meds!

Cap'n Marrrrk said...

Am I to honestly believe that they didn't ship the droid via FedEx?

"The FedEx Institute of Technology"? I mean, the company I work for, everyone is encouraged to drink our clients beer. What about shipping a multimillion dollar android?