Tuesday, August 02, 2005

They Sing the Comet Electric

"According to the model, comets are not inert balls of ice and rocky dust particles aggregated into a 'dirty iceball' as standard comet theory holds. Instead, they are solid, asteroid-like rocks, containing little ice. Negatively charged with electricity, their motion through the positively charged solar wind triggers electrical discharges. These, not vaporized ice, produce the characteristic comet glow and tail."

I think the "Electric Universe" gang's insistence that electrical phenomena produce the distinctive tails of comets is ridiculous. But I'm willing to hear them out regarding cometary composition, as their idea inadvertantly supports Tom Van Flandern's hypothesis that comets are shards of an exploded planet that once orbited between Mars and Jupiter. If comets are indeed rocky and asteroid-like (and as of this writing it's still too early to confidently assess the Deep Impact mission results), our understanding of our solar system's formation is frighteningly incomplete.


Kyle said...

Mac -

Even if our theory about comets is bang-on, our understanding of our solar system's formation REMAINS "frighteningly incomplete".

List off the planets and their moons...and the other flotsam and jetsam out there...and you raise many more questions than answers.

Jupiter's Red Spot, Saturn's rings, Europa, Titan, Iaepetus, comets, Mars, Venus, Pluto, our own Moon...on and on...harbor lots of questions and very few real answers.

And that doesn't even really touch the surface of "our solar system's formation".



Mac said...

Point well-taken! I guess what I was trying to say is that everyone at least seems to think we're on the right track. But if someone like Van Flandern is right, then a lot of what we've "learned" goes out the window.

JEFM said...

Exactly Mac.
And that's why no one takes Van Flandern seriously. Sadly, too many things would have to change and mainstream science is corrupted with "unamovable paradigms".


The Andy-Christ said...

Has anyone here ever seen the photos of various comets exhibiting forward pointing tails? These seem to indicate electrical aspects, much like the ground connections which lightning makes before it strikes (these have also been documented on film). Don't be so hasty to write this theory off. Its also interesting to note that the article states that while the evidence gleaned from this mission is inconclusive as yet, the "real scientists" are full of indignation regarding any interpretation other than the conventional one, which is, after all, still unproven conjecture.