Monday, August 15, 2005

Icy Greenland turns green

"Greenland is turning green, something the rest of us should be very worried about indeed." (Via Dark Planet.)

Just don't expect any interest from the US media.


Ken said...

..."The Earth's climate has warmed before, albeit naturally.

A ruined church on the banks of a fjord marks the remains of a Viking farming civilisation.

The sun casts shadows through the arched window to the site of the altar, last used in the 1400s before the area was abandoned when it became too cold to support habitation."...
Yes, indeed. ..."has warmed before"... And has frozen before. Long before anything approaching an industrial revolution, cars, power plants, jet planes, or ourselves existed. Does this mean that we have NO effect? Of course not. It does indicate however, that what we observe today is nothing new, and part of larger, natural cycles. Do recall, the ice caps of Mars are melting, the CO2 sublimating, as demonstrated by numerous MOC images. Earth and Mars do not share cars: they share the Sun.

Yes, we certainly should clean up our act. I've lived on and by the land and sea all my life, and much prefer it clean, as I have a deep affection for this planet. And there is no need to burn tropical forests, and probably no need to burn oil, for that matter. But to beat ourselves over the head and think that it's ALL our fault, that if we only change ourselves all will be well, I consider foolishly masochistic and unrealisitc. While we're surely part of the problem, IMO far the bigger part rises in the East every day.

While IMO we absolutely must clean up our messes simply out of respect, also IMO our actions/reactions are feeble in comparison to reality at large. The things to do are stop polluting, clean up the mess, and adapt adapt adapt. Guilt complexes are useless.

By the way: how many scientists signed a petition denying man-caused global warming? 18,000? I don't care; whatever's happening IS happening, and we'd best adapt, not flog ourselves. Rrrr. It's NOT all our fault, goddamnit!

W.M. Bear said...

This is a test, it is only a test....

KennyJC said...

Cool, at least we'll be able to settle somewhere when our current regions become too warm or flooded :D