Thursday, July 14, 2005

Can you make out Pamela Anderson?

(Thanks to UFO Reflections.)


Cap'n Marrrrk said...

Not really...but for some reason I have the urge to use the back door when I get home from work tonight.

Kyle said...

Mac -

Obviously the guy that named them "Mammatus" didn't miss the resemblance. :)

Another apt description (from my son) was "lava lamp" clouds.

One truly weird thing about them is that when "Close Encounters" used a technique involving liquids to show the clouds from which the UFOs emerged, the effect was quite impressive...but it was NOTHING like this. Truth stranger than even ET fiction.


W.M. Bear said...

The pair just below the center line and dirctly over the farther-away black pole. Unmistakable! But collectively, they belong to "Mighty Aphrodite," She of the countless breasts that suckle the world.

(PS -- I thought the clouds in "War of the Worlds" were effectively spooky too.)

Mac said...


The "lava lamp" resemblance wasn't lost on me, either.


I liked the ominous sky effects in "WOW" too. Weirdly, we had some strange clouds that looked almost exactly like that hovering over my part of town a few weeks ago, but they didn't last long.