Sunday, July 24, 2005

BBC: "Is it worth sending a manned mission to Mars?"



W.M. Bear said...

Don't Blame Me, I Voted "Yes." (The results look encouraging.)

W.M. Bear said...

Even though the crew of the First Mars Expedition will be under strict orders not to yell loudly into their helmet mikes that they've just discovered an alien artifact.

razorsmile said...

They have to ask?

KennyJC said...

Imagine walking on a piece of rock you were not born on... Imagine basking in the shine of a star which used to appear as a tiny dot when viewed from Earth...

It simply has to be done, not to do so would go against why we got this far in the first place.

W.M. Bear said...

Caption for picture:

Expedition Commander (in pale violet spacesuit): "OK, now who's NOT going to violate the Brookings Protocol and start yelling into his open earthlink mike about finding an artifact left by the ancient Martians?"

Crew members (in green and blue) raising arms:

"Me, Chief. Won't say a word."

"Me too, Chief."

W.M. Bear said...

Exec(standing to left and slighlty behind Commander): "And when we do pick up, say, what looks like a part from an ancient Martian robot, WHAT are we going to say?"

Crew members (loudly, in chorus): "MY, WHAT AN INTERESTING ROCK!"

W.M. Bear said...

(If only I could tell my left -- or someone else's -- from my right, I might be ahead of the game!)

Mac said...

Good captions! That picture is begging for them!