Friday, July 22, 2005

Autism, mercury, and politics (by Robert Kennedy, Jr.)

"Numerous animal, DNA, epidemiological, and other studies point to Thimerosal as a culprit in America's epidemic of neurological disorders. Autistic children have been shown to have higher mercury loads than nonautistics, and there have been reports of significant improvements in some brain-injured children by removing mercury from their brains. Most of the symptoms of autism are similar to the symptoms of mercury poisoning. Scientists have been able to induce autism-like symptoms in mice by exposing them to Thimerosal. A recent study by an FDA scientist, Dr. Jill James, found that many autistic children are genetically deficient in their capacity to produce glutathione, an antioxidant generated in the brain that helps remove mercury from the body."


JEFM said...

This is happening all around the world. Autism has been described in ancient books and texts before ... I'm not really sure where they want to go this way, but it's sure worth the investigation.


Bsti said...

and blamed on vaccines in many cases. I'm glad now that my parents were so neglectful.